Publications for sale
The publications listed below can be purchased from me by emailing me and letting me know what you’d like. I’ll email you an invoice for the items and delivery. I’ll let you know how you can pay by direct credit. A book of poetry costs $5.50 to mail in a padded bag in the New Zealand context.
Tending the Landscape of the Heart (Steele Roberts, 2019, $24.99).
Art work for the cover is by Rob Barrington. These poems were written between 2014 and 2018 and deal with a range of themes, especially familial memory and life in bucolic surroundings in the Ngongotaha Valley.
Ranging around the Zero (Steele Roberts, 2014, $19.95)
Cover art: Don Ratana: As the back cover blurb indicates, these a poems about fragility. “Ranging” is a metaphor for a relentless urge for order in the face of dissolution and discursive emptiness. Small expressions of order, while provisional, are deemed worthy of celebration. The ‘Zero” is the crone – the dark end that always overshadows our means and yet makes them shine.
Maketu (HeadworX, 2003, $12)
This is a sequence, woven around the life and times of “Pakeha-Māori” Philip Tapsell. The poems themselves trade across a range of styles and discourses and can be both lyric and parodic. Unifying them all is the image of the diving board as metaphor for the invitation to historical engagement.
Home Territory (Lindon Press, 1984, $10)
This book contains two sequences. The first, “The Motel”, explores the aftermath of a miscarriage. The second and biggest, “Home Territory” is loosely based on Frank O’Hara’s Lunch Poems. It culminates in the birth of our daughter, Susanna.
Academic publications
The texts below can be accessed via the hotlinks to the respective publishers:
- Locke, T. (2015). Developing writing teachers: Practical ways for teacher-writers to transform their classroom practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Locke, T. (2007). Resisting qualifications reforms in New Zealand: The English Study Design as constructive dissent. Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers.
- Locke, T. (2004). Critical discourse analysis. London: Continuum.
- Cremin, T., & Locke, T. (Eds.) (2017). Writer identity and the teaching and learning of writing. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
- Locke, T. (Ed.) (2010). Beyond the grammar wars: A resource for teachers and students on developing language knowledge in the English/literacy classroom. New York: Routledge.
The publications below tend to have a relationship with the posts which are indicated via square brackets:
- Locke, T., & Cleary, A. (2011). Critical literacy as an approach to literary study in the multicultural, high-school classroom. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 10(1), 119-139.
- Locke, T. with Riley, D. (2009). What happened to educational criticism? Engaging with a paradigm for observation. Educational Action Research, 17(4), 489-504.